Let’s talk about house renovations. You’ve seen an amazing property that you have put an offer in on but needs loads of work. What can make the difference to the aesthetics of a property straight away? did you know that moss build up can be highlighted on a builders survey when purchasing a property? Are you selling a property that has moss on it now? Be prepared to take a lower offer or get the work done yourself before sale. have you taken on a property with a mossy roof? removing the moss and cleaning the roof can make a massive difference to the kerb appeal and can also stop any tile damage in its tracks. We can make a huge difference and our customer list is full of house renovations. Check out our gallery page for an over view of the properties involved. #liverpoolrenovations #transformationtuesday #homedecor #beforeandafter #houserenovation #renovationuk #homesunderthehammer #homedesign #luxurypropertymaintenance #lancashirerenovations #inspohome
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